Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics: 4-Volume Set (Expert Consult Premium Edition - Enhanced Online Features and Print), 12e
S. Terry Canale MD(Author),James H. Beaty MD(Author)
Editorial Reviews
"I remain amazed that Dr. Canale is able to compile this immense amount of information in a succinct, concise, user-friendly reference..Campbell'sremains an essential resource for the operative orthopedic surgeon" -JAMA
"The book is a must for every library used by those in orthopedic training and is an important addition to the private libraries of all who practice orthopedics." -The Spine Journal
"By far the most important publication worldwide in the general field of orthopedic surgery. It is the most reliable source to check on surgical options at short notice, such as the night before a case." -Doody Enterprises
"For any medical reference to truly be effective, it must go beyond 'layers of expertise' and serve to impart its knowledge to doctors and students. And that's where this volume excels - dissecting vast amounts of data and then rendering them accessible to professionals in the field of orthopedic medicine." -The Electric Review
Book Description
Hardcover: 4664 pages
Publisher: Mosby; 12 edition (December 13, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0323072437
ISBN-13: 9780323072434
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