Demand Driven Strategic Planning

Demand Driven Strategic Planning
Marcos Fava Neves(Author)

Editorial Reviews


"ProfessorNeves has the impressive ability to combine theory and practice in a very easy-to-read manner. Alongside the pedagogically structured discussion, he offers tools for the reader to better develop an independent understanding - for instance, the reader will find at the end of each chapter a summary of the potential activities to be developed and some questions for his own evaluation. The discussion of the more significant points are complemented with opinions of relevant experts, identified in an updated and diverse bibliography. Overall, it is a highly recommended book, with special utility for academics, entrepreneurs, and anyone involved in the efficiency an analysis of new challenges of the food marketing strategies."- Dr. Julian Briz, Professor, Dept. Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Universidad Politecnica Madrid; Grad. University of Minnesota, Member of the French Academy of Agriculture

"What distinguishes this excellent and highly readable book from many other treatments of marketing strategy is the perspective that markets are networks that connect firm, customers, resellers, competitors, employees, and regulators. Since markets now act and react at "internet speed," sophisticated managers need to recognize these interconnections and plan for joint and nearly simultaneous actions-reactions by other market participants. Marketers and general managers who are prepared to do the hard and serious work of thinking about marketing strategy and tactics will find that DEMAND DRIVEN STRATEGIC PLANNING is a wonderfully comprehensive survey of current thinking as integrated into important classic concepts. There is zero "fluff" and the books is packed with questions that fully developed market-driven strategic plans should address and answer."- Paul Farris, Landmark Communications Professor, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia; Author of Marketing Metrics

"Professor Marcos Fava Neves latest contribution to the field of strategy: " Demand Driven Strategic Planning" is a refreshing and invaluable text book for academic and handbook for the practitioner. The book's holistic heuristic approach to the role of all stakeholders in the process of strategy offers a critical key to understanding, development and execution."- Frederick C. Dubee, Shanghai University School of Management, MBA Center

About the Author

Marcos Fava Nevesis Professor of the School of Business of the University of São Paulo. He gained his PhD in 1999 at the University of São Paulo after completing a master’s degree, and undertaking postgraduate study in both European agribusiness and marketing in France, and in marketing channels and networks in the Netherlands. He has also specialized in strategic planning processes for companies and food production chains.

Book Description

  • Paperback: 192 pages
  • Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (August 13, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0415626390
  • ISBN-13: 9780415626392

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