admin 发布于 2016-06-18

Microstructural Parcellation of the Human Cerebral Cortex: From Brodmann's Post-Mortem Map to in Vivo Mapping with High-Field Magnetic Reson...
admin 发布于 2016-06-17

Handbook of Theoretical Atomic Physics: Data for Photon Absorption, Electron Scattering, and Vacancies Decay Authors: Miron Ya. Amusia - Lar...
admin 发布于 2016-06-15

Structural Shell Analysis: Understanding and Application (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications) Authors: Johan Blaauwendraad - Jeroen H. Hoe...
admin 发布于 2016-06-12

Birefringent Thin Films and Polarizing E Authors: Ian J. Hodgkinson - Qi Hong Wu - Hong Wu Qi ISBN-10: 9810229062 ISBN-13: 9789810229061 Rel...
admin 发布于 2016-06-08
Heavy Flavours Ii Authors: Buras, A.J.; Lindner, M. Get this book Contact Email: Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company...
标签:Physics / Science
admin 发布于 2016-05-08
Many-body Theory of Correlated Fermion Systems: Proceedings of the VI Hispalensis International School, Oromana, Seville, Spain 9-21 June 19...
标签:Physics / Science
admin 发布于 2016-04-10
Projection Operator Techniques in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics) Author: H. Grabert ISBN-10: 35401...
admin 发布于 2016-04-09

The Physics of Traffic: Empirical Freeway Pattern Features, Engineering Applications, and Theory (Understanding Complex Systems) Author: Bor...
admin 发布于 2016-04-09

Clay Sedimentology Author: Herve Chamley ISBN-10: 3540508899 ISBN-13: 9783540508892 Edition: 1 Release: July 24, 1989 Hardcover: 623 pages L...
admin 发布于 2016-04-05

Physics of Transition Metal Oxides (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences) (v. 144) Authors: T. Tohyama - S.E. Barnes - W. Koshibae - G. K...