admin 发布于 2016-07-13

Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering: Lecture Notes of the XVI 'Jacques-Louis Lions' Spanish-French School (SEMA SIMAI Springer S...
admin 发布于 2016-07-13

Introduction to Nonlinear Thermomechanics of Solids (Lecture Notes on Numerical Methods in Engineering and Sciences) Authors: Michal Kleiber...
admin 发布于 2016-07-13

Waveguide Handbook (Iee Electromagnetic Waves Series) Authors: N. Marcuvitz ISBN-10: 0863410588 ISBN-13: 9780863410581 Released: 1985-12-01 ...
admin 发布于 2016-07-10

Near-Surface Applied Geophysics Authors: Mark E. Everett ISBN-10: 1107018773 ISBN-13: 9781107018778 Edition: 1 Released: 2013-06-28 Hardcove...
admin 发布于 2016-07-09

Source Mechanisms of Earthquakes: Theory and Practice Authors: Agustín Udías - Raúl Madariaga - Elisa Buforn ISBN-10: 1107040272 ISBN-13: 97...
admin 发布于 2016-07-09

The Seismic Analysis Code: A Primer and User's Guide Authors: George Helffrich - James Wookey - Ian Bastow ISBN-10: 1107045452 ISBN-13: 9781...
admin 发布于 2016-07-02

Practical Guide to ICP-MS: A Tutorial for Beginners, Second Edition (Practical Spectroscopy) Author: Robert Thomas ISBN-10: 1420067869 ISBN-...
admin 发布于 2016-07-01

Rock Dynamics and Applications - State of the Art ISBN-10: 1138000566 ISBN-13: 9781138000568 Edition: Har/Cdr Release: June 13, 2013 Hardcov...
admin 发布于 2016-06-24

Aerothermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion Author: G. Oates ISBN-10: 1563472414 ISBN-13: 9781563472411 Edition: 3rd Release: Ja...
admin 发布于 2016-06-20

Leçons de Marie Curie: Physique élémentaire pour les enfants de nos amis Authors: Marie Curie - Isabelle Chavannes - Yves Quéré ISBN-10: 286...