Density Functional Theory: A Practical Introduction
1admin 发布于 2016-12-13
Density Functional Theory: A Practical Introduction Authors: David Sholl - Janice A Steckel ISBN-10: 0470373172 ISBN-13: 9780470373170 Editi...
admin 发布于 2016-12-13
Density Functional Theory: A Practical Introduction Authors: David Sholl - Janice A Steckel ISBN-10: 0470373172 ISBN-13: 9780470373170 Editi...
admin 发布于 2016-12-08
Dynamics of Contention (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics) by Doug McAdam (Author) › Visit Amazon's Doug McAdam Page See search resu...
admin 发布于 2016-11-26
Electronic, Magnetic, and Optical Materials, Second Edition Authors: Pradeep Fulay - Jung-Kun Lee ISBN-10: 1498701698 ISBN-13: 9781498701693...
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An Introduction to Applied Electromagnetics and Optics Authors: Vladimir V. Mitin - Dmitry I. Sementsov ISBN-10: 1498776299 ISBN-13: 9781498...
admin 发布于 2016-11-09
Handbook of Optical Systems, Physical Image Formation (Volume 2) Authors: Wolfgang Singer - Michael Totzeck - Herbert Gross ISBN-10: 3527403...
admin 发布于 2016-11-09
MolekǬlphysik und Quantenchemie. EinfǬhrung in die experimentellen und theoretischen Grundlagen Authors: MOLEKǬLPHYSIK UND QUANTENCHEMIE....
admin 发布于 2016-11-07
Laser Spectroscopy: Vol. 2: Experimental Techniques Authors: Wolfgang Demtröder ISBN-10: 3540749527 ISBN-13: 9783540749523 Edition: 4th Rele...
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Supersymmetry: Basics And Concepts Authors: S. K. Soni - Simmi Singh ISBN-10: 8173192960 ISBN-13: 9788173192968 Released: 2000-03-30 Hardcov...
admin 发布于 2016-10-15
An Introduction to Non-Perturbative Foundations of Quantum Field Theory (International Series of Monographs on Physics) Authors: Franco Stro...
admin 发布于 2016-10-14
Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur Authors: Tom Lancaster - Stephen J. Blundell ISBN-10: 019969933X ISBN-13: 9780199699339 Edition:...